

Supported Payment Method:

  • Credit card payment is accepted.

Checkout Process:

  1. Fill out your name.
  2. Provide recipient’s address.
  3. Enter email address.
  4. Input card number with associated billing info.
  5. Click the "PLACE ORDER" button to finalize the transaction.

Pricing Policy:

  • Customers pay the price displayed for the products and Shipping.
  • All products are tax-free.
  • No hidden fees are charged.

Payment Security:

  • SSL is enabled on the website, ensuring secure communication between the user's browser and the server.
  • A top-tier payment gateway is integrated for secure transactions.
  • The website does not collect credit/debit card numbers or personal information during payment.
  • Customers are advised to consult their card-issuing bank for any transaction-related queries.